Welcome to The Guitar Shop NYC
213 42nd St
Brooklyn, NY 11232
b/ 2nd & 3rd Ave
Open M-F 1PM - 6PM
Sat: Appointment Only
Call (917) 909-1291 upon arrival!
Tel. (917) 909-1291
213 42nd St
Brooklyn, NY 11232
b/ 2nd & 3rd Ave
Open M-F 1PM - 6PM
Sat: Appointment Only
Call (917) 909-1291 upon arrival!
Tel. (917) 909-1291
Our goal at The Guitar Shop NYC is to bring musicians together with incredible instruments and gear. We're community-based and have a wide range of hand made, new, used, and vintage guitars/basses/amps/pedals for sale. At the shop we have the full La Bella string catalog on the wall for all musicians needs.
We also offer a full range of top notch repair work from James Carbonetti, as well as tube amp repairs. Carbonetti Guitars are handmade here in the shop and all together we build the La Bella Olinto basses.
We work closely with some of the most reputable guitar gurus in the country including Doug Myer of Mountain Cat Guitars. Mountain Cat has been representing some incredible luthiers from around the world for years. We're lucky enough to have a portion of his collection here at the shop to sell to you! We have also teamed up with our amazing friends from Akron Ohio Earthquaker Devices. They've graciously built us a monstrous motherboard representing the latest in their collection of pedals they offer. So come in, plug in, and get weird!
Come by the shop, make yourself at home and check out some of our incredible inventory.
Electric guitars, acoustic guitars, electric basses, mandolins, La Bella strings, amplification, pedals and more! a perfect mix of handmade / new / used / vintage instruments.